General information:
Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that’s been used to treat various health conditions for thousands of years. Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller is harvested from mature Aloe Vera plants which are grown organically and eco-friendly in greenhouses in Spain. They stand out for their size and the great content of internal gel, which contains all the properties and benefits for food and cosmetic use. Aloe Vera leaves have been properly harvested on demand so that they do not lose properties and preserve their freshness.
Aloe Vera fresh gel has emollient, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-helminthic, antifungal, and antiseptic properties that effectively support and improve the overall health condition and promote a healthy lifestyle.
La Vendita premium organic Aloe Vera fresh leave have the European Union Organic Agriculture seal, with the Organic Product (CAAE), the Extremadura Food and Organics certification. In addition, Aloe Vera crops are endorsed by Global Gap, a denomination of Good Agricultural Practices.
How to use:
Cut off the base and top of the Aloe Vera leaf. Place the leaf in a deep bowl with the base facing down to drain the aloin. Wait about 30 minutes and then extract the interior gelatin – Aloe Vera gel by removing the green part of the leaf (skin).
If you use it externally, the fresh Aloe Vera gel is ready for use in creams, masks or applied directly to the skin. You can apply fresh Aloe Vera gel topically to treat your skin for various skin conditions as well as for burns. Apply the fresh Aloe Vera gel directly to your skin.
For food use, it should be washed with plenty of water and left to soak in water to remove the aloin.
Wash with plenty of water and soak for 6 to 12 hours. It can also be added to food, smoothies, and drinks. Add the pieces of Aloe Vera gel to your smoothies, salads and juices or mash the jelly and consume the juice from a fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
To make Aloe Vera juice use 1 cup of liquid for every 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel. Include any other ingredients like fruit and use a blender or food processor to mix up your drink. It is recommended to consume about 50 ml of Aloe Vera juice per day.
Follow some of the recipes on our ALOE VERA BLOG to make a homemade beauty or consumption product.
If you’re planning to consume the fresh slices of Aloe Vera gel, it will keep in the refrigerator for a few days, but its best to consume it as quickly as possible. You can always store Aloe Vera gel in the freezer if you’re not ready to use it right away.
Presentation of the product:
Aloe Vera leaves are protected with paper shields to prevent damage. Delivery of Aloe Vera leaves electronically ordered, shall be shipped through our specialized delivery partners, and are packed in a cardboard box with one premium organic Aloe Vera leaf.
Technical data:
Sheet of excellent quality and an extraordinary size of about 70-75 cm long and a base of 13-14 cm wide at the base. The average weight of each sheet is more than 1kg.
Important note:
Product Details
- Fresh Aloe Vera Leaves from Greenhouses in the EU – Spain
- Premium Organic Aloe Vera Fresh Leaf is full of fresh Aloe Vera Gel
- 100% Organic
- 100% Еco-friendly
- 100% Natural
- 100 % Healthy food
- Premium
- Fresh
- Aloe Vera has the medicinal properties
- Each leaf is freshly harvested, cleaned, and wrapped for shipment
- Never use any growth hormones, pesticides, or chemicals
- It is Non-Toxic and Has No Side Effects
Aloe Vera benefits:
- Strengthening the immune system
- Protection and Improve a Healthy Digestion
- Improves circulation
- Super antioxidant
- Lowering LDL cholesterol
- Weight loss and diabetes
- Prevention of ageing
- Lowers blood sugar levels
- Reduces heartburn
- Is used in Crohn’s treatments and hiatus hernias
- Moisturizing skin and preventing wrinkles
- Helps treat canker sores and other skin conditions
- Reduces dental plaque
Recommended uses of the product:
- Internal Use
- External use
- Healthy lifestyle and physical well-being
- Skin-care
- Hair care
- Diet
Item Form:
Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller Leaf Organic Certificate Number 15574/P and the Control organization ES-ECO-021-EX.