Face skin tighten with Aloe Vera gel
It is well known that Aloe Vera is a super plant that has been around for thousands of years....
Stretch marks can be treated with Aloe Vera
You’re not the only one worried about stretch marks. According to studies, 80% of adults will suffer from them....
Sunburn can be treated with Aloe Vera fresh gel
Tropical succulent Aloe Vera comes in over 400 varieties. Thousands of years ago, people used this short-stemmed shrub to...
Use Aloe Vera fresh gel around your eyes
A succulent, Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for sunburns, rashes, and eczema. Aloe...
Treatment of skin conditions with Aloe Vera
Itching, rashes, sunburns, inflammation, and sunburns. Throughout your lifetime, your skin can undergo dramatic changes and obstacles, but relief...
Eczema can be treated with fresh Aloe Vera gel
Itchy, dry, rough, and inflamed patches of skin are signs of atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. Genetics and...