Aloe Organic MK


ALOE VERA is one of history’s favourite super plants for many reasons!

For thousands of years, Aloe has been celebrated as a source of health and wellness in almost every culture on Earth, and since ancient times it has played a very significant role in all societies.

The earliest record of the use of Aloe comes from the Egyptians, who painted pictures of Aloe Vera on temple walls. In the early days, it was considered a “plant of immortality” and was presented to Egyptian pharaohs as a funeral gift.

Many legends say that the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti (1353 B.C.) known as “the most beautiful woman who ever lived” and Queen Cleopatra VII (69-30 B.C.) used Aloe Vera gel as part of their regular daily beauty skin care routines.

Legends also report that upon the advice of his mentor Aristotle, Alexander the Great, in 333 B.C., conquered the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean to secure supplies of Aloe Vera to help wounded soldiers.

Ancient Chinese and Egyptian civilizations used Aloe Vera to soothe burns, treat wounds, and reduce fevers. Greek scientists considered Aloe Vera as a universal panacea because of its specific and healing properties.

Aloe has played a major role in their medicine since 2000 years ago when ancient Greek doctors obtained Aloe from the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean.

Did You Know that


Aloe is a genus that contains more than 400 species of succulent flowering plants spread over Africa, the Middle East, China, the Mediterranean region, and various Indian Ocean islands.


Aloe is a succulent plant that grows in drought-prone tropical areas, but Aloe Vera is the most common form of Aloe consumed.


The most common commercially grown and beneficial variety is Barbadensis Miller - the one we use!


The name Aloe Vera derives from the Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance,” while “Vera” in Latin means “true.”


You can identify Aloe Vera by its greyish-green leaves coated in sharp edges. These leaves come together to form a rosette in the center of the plant.


Although it may look like a cactus, Aloe Vera actually belongs to the Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae) family, which also includes asparagus, onions, garlic, leeks, chives, tulips.


The succulent and fleshy leaves of the Aloe Vera plant are filled with a gel with four flavors - sweet, sour, bitter and astringent.


An adult Aloe Vera plant reaches maturity at 3-4 years and can reach a height of 80 cm with up to 21 leaves.


The Aloe Vera plant is one of the most studied herbs in the natural products category and has played a role in medicine and health care dating as far back as the 4th Century B.C.


Aloe Vera contains over 200 biologically active, naturally occurring constituents including, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and polysaccharides.


Aloe Vera is grown commercially for its natural, healthy and medicinal properties, as well as the skincare benefits found in its leaves.


When properly ingested, Aloe’s essential nutrients can help support digestive health, and the cardiovascular system, strengthen the immune system, reduce nitrates, as well as prevent and improve the oVerall health condition and more.

Even after all these years, Aloe continues to be a miraculous plant with many benefits in maintaining good health!

“Method of Harmony”

In Chinese culture, Aloe Vera has been described as the “Method of Harmony” and has been an important ingredient in medical treatments since Marco Polo expeditions.

“Royal plant”

In Japanese culture, Aloe Vera was known as the “royal plant”. The Aloe Vera juice was consumed as an elixir, and the samurai used it for embrocation.

“Plant of Immortality”

The Egyptians called Aloe “the plant of immortality” because of its medicinal properties and would have even elevated the plant to a ‘god-like’ status.

“Silent Healer”

The Hindu people thought that Aloe Vera grew in the Garden of Eden and named it the “silent healer”.

The Wand of Heaven”

The Native American Indians used Aloe for its emollient and rejuvenating powers and referred to it as “The Wand of Heaven”.

“The Rejuvenator of The Organism”

Ayurveda – the ancient Indian science of health and life considered Aloe to be ‘Vera Rasayana – „ the rejuvenator of the organism.

Common Uses of Aloe Vera:

Support A Healthy Immune System

Protection and Support of a Healthy Digestion

Improved circulation

Moisturize & Hydrate Skin

Reduce Harmful Toxins

Increase Absorption of Nutrients

Weight loss and diabetes

Protection from UV irradiation

Balance Stomach Acidity Naturally


Lowering LDL cholesterol

Antiseptic effect

Enhance Antioxidant Support